Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fun with Friends

This past weekend we were able to go to Benton, Ar to visit some dear friends of ours. We had dinner together on Friday night. Chris grew up with Phillip and Tony, and I believe was a suite mate in college with David and Matt. We took a picture of all of the moms and kiddos. It was funny because just a couple of years ago this party would have looked quite a bit different.

From Left to right: Dayle and K, Me and C, Allyson and "P," Sarah and Z, Carrie and S
K was kissing on C and he had no clue what was going on.

They had just met each other here, but by the end of the weekend they were friends. It was funny how they seemed to be in their own little world. They would babble back and forth ignoring us. We had a wonderful time this weekend and are so thankful for the opportunity.

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